Indian ocean
Indian ocean

The United States’ presence in the region was largely reactive to the growing strength of the Soviet Union’s Indian Ocean Squadron. During the Cold War, the Indian Ocean was a secondary theatre. With intensifying great power competition between the United States and China, the relatively peaceful Indian Ocean region is metamorphosing into an important theatre of strategic competition and power politics. Still, there is a broad consensus on the growing geostrategic importance of the Indian Ocean. Winner, “The Indian Ocean and US Grand Strategy: Ensuring Access and Promoting Security,” Georgetown University Press, 2014. 4 Note: For details see Peter Dombrowski and Andrew C. Whether the Indian Ocean is best viewed as a unified whole or a set of interconnected subregions is a matter of scholarly debate. The Indian Ocean is divided across commands in the Department of Defense and the Department of State’s geographical bureaus, arguably due to bureaucratic tractability and institutional history. This view is prevalent in Washington’s military and civilian institutions. Spanning three continents, the Indian Ocean’s vast and diverse maritime geography is often understood as consisting of several sub-regions broadly encompassing Australasia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, and Eastern & Southern Africa. 3 Note: Ganeshan Wignaraja, Adam Collins, and Pabasara Kannangara, “Opportunities and Challenges for Regional Economic Integration in the Indian Ocean,” Journal of Asian Economic Integration 1, no. accounted for 10.7 percent of the global GDP in 2017 and is expected to account for a fifth by 2025. This activity formed part of a larger exercise to identify and analyse the legal and policy arrangements for the auxiliary role and disaster risk management across the continent.The Indian Ocean has been a critical trade route for centuries and currently accounts for “one-third of the world’s bulk cargo traffic and two-thirds of the world’s oil shipments.” 1 Note: Indian Ocean Rim Association, “About IORA,”, Home to roughly 35 percent of the world population, the Indian Ocean economy 2 Note: Here Indian Ocean economy refers to the collective GDP of the following countries: Comoros, Iran, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Oman, Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania, UAE, Yemen, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam. IFRC Disaster Law also embarked on a research project to map the status of the auxiliary role in domestic legal frameworks as well as to map the legal arrangements for Disaster Risk Management in Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles. The workshop was attended by national society staff from Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles as well as government representatives from Comoros, Madagascar, and Mauritius.

indian ocean

This workshop was designed to support key stakeholders from countries of the South-West Indian Ocean in the integration of IDRL and related standards, to facilitate international disaster assistance in their context and strengthen the design of a regional strategy to facilitate and regulate cooperation in international assistance. In 2021, The Indian Ocean Regional Intervention Platform of the French Red Cross (PIROI) and IFRC Disaster Law organised a three day virtual workshop on the facilitation and regulation of international disaster assistance for South-West Indian Ocean countries.

indian ocean

In 2020, PIROI finalised a study of legal frameworks to facilitate and regulate international disaster response in the Union of the Comoros, Mayotte and Re union, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles and Tanzania. We have continued work with the French Red Cross’ Plateforme d’intervention régionale de l’océan Indien (PIROI), to promote International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) in the Indian Ocean as well as Tanzania and Mozambique. We have worked with Mauritius and Seychelles to finalise disaster management related legislation, and with Madagascar in the finalisation of an International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) study. IFRC Disaster Law supports countries in the Indian Ocean to advance their national disaster laws.

Indian ocean