Pyre celeste
Pyre celeste

pyre celeste

But on the other, I kind of like it when my numbers go up. Before now, we stopped at either of these locations to give one of our companions a buff for the coming Rite, and now, because there are so few of us remaining, they’ve been excluded from our potential landing spots. : They don’t look any different to me, but, we can no longer access them. A swifter journey to the summit means that we can all conserve our strength for the coming trial. I think all of us are feeling rather more on edge these days. We should be able to make landing closer to Scribesgate, now. : In this case, however, it appears to have afforded us a bit of a shortcut. : Volfred observes all this alongside you. On the other hand, the once-precarious regions below, which you know as Temple Highroad and Temple Cistern, seem swept clean by the elements. The lands near Emperor’s Ascent and Emperor’s Fall appear ashen. : Something appears different now about the sacred mountain west of here.

pyre celeste

: That said, there’s a new point of interest on Mount Alodiel. And now, even excluding the Liberation Rites, they’re getting scarcer and scarcer. It doesn’t feel so long ago that we couldn’t travel ten feet without colliding into someone or watching two triumvirates in a Rite beneath us. : It gets kind of eerie and lonesome, if I’m honest. There is nothing in Flagging Hands or the Wyrm Gulf (save for an imp I pointedly did not run over) nor anything in the Sea of Solis, Deathless Tempest, Black Basin, or Sclorian Shore. : As is typical for Liberation Rites, our journey northward, towards Mount Alodiel, is completely barren and eventless. : If we’re gonna whoop Udmildhe all the way from Jomuer Valley and back, there’s no sense in waiting around for it. Every single page in the Book before now has had an accompanying illustration, but because the Afterword uses both pages, choosing to Inspect will only list the left page. : The Afterword is formatted improperly when you choose to ‘inspect’ the page. So, this is a good time to look into that last chapter of the Book that I was talking about in the previous update. The blackwagon shall have to take flight again come morning. It has grown very late, and you need rest. : The Lone Minstrel leaves you there alone under the night. : I wish for you good fortune, and the wisdom of the Scribes, on your ascent. : You look upon the stars, together, for a while. And so I am a bit taken aback, is all, to see something which I have never seen. : The Gate Guardian and I we have paid witness to the Liberation Rites upon the Fall of Soliam for a long time. So, despite having come at us with all twelve Titan Stars and failing miserably, she’s already raring for a second go. : Not sure how many of you might be surprised by this, but despite us beating Udmildhe in the previous round, her Power Ranking is still high enough to challenge us for her freedom.

Pyre celeste