Stockmarketeye v4 review
Stockmarketeye v4 review

stockmarketeye v4 review

If you purchased StockMarketEye v5 before Apand currently have a valid, non-expired "Standard" subscription, you can convert to the "Essentials" subscription and receive a credit toward the first year of the "Essentials" subscription based on the amount of time remaining on your current "Standard" subscription.

Stockmarketeye v4 review upgrade#

If you purchased a StockMarketEye 4 or earlier license and have not yet upgraded to StockMarketEye 5, you are eligible to upgrade to StockMarketEye 5 "Essentials" for $50 off the first year of the "Essentials" subscription. Your new "Essentials" subscription will start on the day you convert. As "Essentials" is a yearly subscription, the next payment date will be one year from the day you convert. (See below for details on how we calculate the credit.) Any time remaining on the old "Standard" subscription will be credited toward the price of the first year of the "Essentials" subscription. When you convert from a "Standard" subscription to the "Essentials" subscription, the conversion process will cancel the old "Standard" subscription and create a new "Essentials" subscription. How Does Converting from "Standard" to "Essentials" Work? Here are the features that are available exclusively with an Essentials subscription. With an Essentials subscription, you will have access to a number of features that are not available with the "Standard" subscription. The "Essentials" subscription is our only subscription right now, as we no longer sell previous versions. Why should I convert to the "Essentials" Subscription? If "Subscription" is ESSENTIALS, you have the "Essentials" subscription.If "Subscription" is STANDARD, you have the old "Standard" subscription.On the License Details screen, look for the "Subscription". In StockMarketEye 5, open the License Details screen from the menu, Help -> License Info. If you are running StockMarketEye v4, you do not have a subscription. If your "Standard" subscription lapses, you will need to sign up for our "Essentials" yearly subscription. We no longer sell the "Standard" subscription, but we continue to fully support it and you may choose to remain on the "Standard" subscription as long as your subscription does not lapse. If you purchased a subscription to StockMarketEye v5 before April 3, 2021, you have the original StockMarketEye v5 "Standard" subscription. The "Essentials" subscription of StockMarketEye was our initial subscription model.

stockmarketeye v4 review

Converting to the StockMarketEye "Essentials" Subscription

Stockmarketeye v4 review